Swan Yogi Philosophy
Sammy ultimately believes that teaching is a privilege and is undertaken without ego. Discovering there, underneath the surface, was a whole new way of experiencing what yoga truly is… a system and a discipline for mental and emotional mastery.
The main philosophy followed is a system commonly known as “The Eight Limbs of Yoga” or “The Eightfold Path“ was created thousands of years ago and comes from the Sanskrit term Ashtanga. Helps to still the ripples of the mind and quiet the mental noise that prevents us from fully experiencing life as it truly is. While the asanas (yoga poses) focus mainly on the body, the eight limbs focus on transforming suffering by disciplining the senses and gaining a deeper understanding

Patanjali's 8 Limb Yoga Sutras

Further Reading & Insight
Let's Talk Ayurveda Dosha's
Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest forms of holistic medicine and still widely used today.
Combining physical, psychological, and spiritual health, Ayurveda focuses on whole-body healing and states that a person’s dosha, a type of bodily humor, determines their personality and health. According to the philosophy, universal life force manifests as three different energies, or doshas, known as vata, pitta, and kapha. We're all made up of a unique combination of these three forces. Though everyone has some of each, most people tend to have an abundance of one or two of the doshas.

You can complete a questionnaire to find out your type here
Teen Yoga Resources - Duke of Edinburgh's Award Bronze, Silver & Gold
The Physical Section of DofE
The Physical section is a chance for you to focus on your health and fitness and have fun along the way. As long as you pick something that requires a sustained level of energy and physical activity, the possibilities are endless. Did you know undertaking yoga practice is on the physical activities low impact list and counts as your 'physical' element in the D of E Awards scheme?
See here for more details